Thursday, February 4, 2010


1. Information here is only 4 educational purpose nd u shall be responsible 4 all the damage if any or legal shit that u may Find yourself in ;while using the info here( like an asshole)
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What is PC Security?
It is a very good software 4 password protecting ur files , folders , drives ,programs nd 4 that matter the whole computer by

What can this guide do 4 me ?
Not much but it can help u to open a file protected by PC Security ver.5.1 under
Certain conditions.

What do u mean by "under certain condition" ?
Well u can access file protected by PC Security v5.1 only when the locked file is kept in a folder which is not protected that it is u can see the file kept in a folder nd when u click the file(protected file) it gives u strange messages like " access denied "or the "file is used by another program "which tells u that the file is protected .

How can I unlock files protected by PC Security nd what all do I need 4 it ?
Well all u need is a program called MAGIC FOLDERS nd a cup of coffee to drink while u play. I have used version 1.31You can get MAGIC FOLDERS here
Now find the file that u want to unlock nd see in which folder it is kept nd now

Open magic folders (make sure that u install magic folder before doing all this nd make sure that u don't use the feature called encrypted magic folder which comes with it ;usually it does'nt automatically encrypt the folders but make sure that it does
Not do it automatically (I hope it would 'nt do it automatically as it does'nt do with mine) If you're using a non-english version of Win95/98 u may need the english version of the VB5 runtime files. u can get them at: if cannot install the magic folder on ur PC u need to download some dll files from above mentioned site.

Now that u have installed magic folder open it nd hide (make that folder invisible )the folder in which locked file is kept nd close the program nd shut down ur computer now when u will reboot then again open the magic folders now u should make the folder that u have just made invisible visible ie. Folder that u have made invisble before rebooting the system now make it visible again nd now open the folder nd click on the file Congrats fh !! the file is opened nd now u have full access to the file.

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